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STA developing caliber of Freshers in Pakistan

Soft Tarbiyah Associate (STA) is an online platform that offers various academic, personality development and intellectual courses.

Mission of STA

STA states in its mission that:

“STA is committed to bring positive personality development with intellectual learning experience to Muslims all around the world, through quality education and training”.

According to its mission STA is learning organization and committed to providing opportunities for the development of talent in Pakistan. STA provides an online Internship program to all students who want to accelerate in their career.

STA is thinking to create a global virtual team of interns by partnering with well-known international universities, colleges and schools. Coordinating with their career development offices, faculty, student organizations and different professional groups will help in creation of partnership.

As STA internship is a student-centered learning program so it provides equal opportunities to students to learn more by increasing their levels according to their performance.

You can try to explore your skills at following address by joining us at:

STA’s official website:

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